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Pokemon: Pyroar/Mewtwo/Seismatoad

Here is a deck that revolves around using Pyroar to wall basic Pokemon and potentially KO them, Prevent the opponent from using Item cards using Seismatoad and deal lots of damage with Mewtwo.

Pokemon (12)
4-4 Pyroar (flf)
2 Mewtwo-Ex
2 Seismatoad-Ex

Trainers (36)
1 Computer Search
3 Virbank City Gym
4 Hypnoxic Laser
4 Professor Sycamore
4 N
2 Lysandre
2 Skyla
1 Xerosic
2 Blacksmith
3 Muscle Band
3 Ultra Ball
3 Switch
2 Startling Megaphone
2 Vs Seeker

Energy (12)
8 Fire Energy
4 Double Colourless Energy

This deck can use cards like Computer Search and Ultra Ball in combination with Fire energies and Blacksmith to instantly power up any of the Pokemon. This allows you to outspeed your opponent and start locking them with Seismatoad or destroying them with Mewtwo.

This deck also runs 2 Skyla to ensure I get the trainer cards I need. because this deck is reliant on trainer cards and effects Lysandre and Xerosic become essential for combating opposing Seismatoad and garbador decks.

Another addition this deck benefits from is having the Virbank and Lasers combo, which enables more damage to be dealt for faster KOs.

To maximize damage this deck runs Starling Megaphone.

If needed this deck could run Kyurem, Reshiram or Zekrom to counter certain decks. dedenne is also an option.

If you have any questions about card choices please comment or start a thread on

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