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Pokemon: Aromatisse/Yveltal Mk2

After more testing of the Aromatisse deck shown here , I decided to upgrade it.

Pokemon (12)
3-2 Aromatisse
2 Yveltal-EX
2 Suicune
1 Xerneas
1 Xerneas-EX
1 Shaymin-EX

Trainers (35)
3 Fairy Garden
1 Shadow Circle
4 Professor Sycamore
4 Shauna or N
2 Colress
2 Lysandre
2 Skyla
1 Bianca
4 Ultra Ball
3 Switch
2 Super Potion or Max Potion
2 Startling Megaphone
2 Muscle Band
1 Professor's Letter
1 Energy Retrieval
1 Town Map

7 Fairy Energy
1 Darkness Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
1 Double Colorless Energy

After testing I decided 3 Aromatisse are unnecessary  but I kept 3 Spritzee because of how common Lysandre and Landorus- EX are. I also decided 2 Xerneas wasn't worth it because some of the time it just set up energy on my Pokemon ready for them to use Lysandre and I would lose too much energy cards if I didn't have enough benched Pokemon to put them on.

I removed Dedenne as Suicune already takes care of Yveltal-EX and late game Dedenne was always left doing nothing.

I added Shaymin-EX because it helped against decks that use Terrakion and it is an amazing Late game sweeper. I was lucky I got this from a Legendary Treasure pack.

Because My main attacker was Yveltal which is dark type I added Shadow Circle to help against Manectric decks.

I added another Lysandre because a lot of the time I was forced to discard it with Sycamore. I removed Pokemon Fan Club in favor of an additional Ultra Ball which I found to be a lot faster and is compatible with Skyla. I also run Bianca because it helps with the addition Ultra Ball as well as being an alternate drawing Supporter Card.

Because I removed one Fairy Garden in favor of Shadow Circle I added an additional Switch to make retreating easier.

Because  Yveltal-EX can be OHKOed by quite a few things I decided  3 Max potions/ Super Potions were unneeded so I removed 1. Instead I added another Startling Megaphone because Garbador is too annoying.

I removed Sacred Ash because I deemed it unnecessary and a dead draw most of the time.

And lastly I added 1 more Fairy Energy as if I searched with Professor's Letter I would still have an even number in my deck providing that I haven't drawn 1, which would make Xerneas's geomancy much more efficient. The extra energy also means I am less likely to run out.

If you need to ask about other card choices, please comment or ask on my forum

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