Lets get down to business, here is the deck-list.
Pokemon (13)
2 Gengar- EX
4-4 Trevenant
3 Shaymin- EX
Trainers (35)
4 Professor Sycamore
2 Shauna
2 Wally
1 Lysandre
1 Xerosic
4 Vs seeker
4 Ultra Ball
4 Trainer's Mail
4 Crushing Hammer
1 Enhanced Hammer
1 Escape Rope
1 Switch
3 Muscle Band
3 Dimension Valley
Energy (12)
4 Double Colourless Energy
4 Mystery Energy
4 Psychic Energy
Basically the aim of this deck is to Gengar's second move "Dark Corridor" which for 1 psychic energy and 2 other energies it deals 60 damage, poisons the foe and switches Gengar out for something else (in this case Trevenant).
The reason you want to switch to "Trevenant" is to utilise his ability "Forest Curse", which prevents the opponent using any items while Trevenant is out. This means that Gengar can poison the foes, then switch to Trevenant (who can prevent the opponent from using item cards, meaning they have to pay the retreat cost in order to retreat, instead of using things like "Switch".
Then to make matters worse for the opponent, this deck uses the normal type "Shaymin-Ex" which allows you to draw cards, drastically improving overall consistency + it has an attack that allows it to return to the hand (making it synergise excellently well with Trevenant)

There isn't much to say about the trainer cards other than they improve the consistency a lot and the card "Dimension valley" is there to reduce Gengar's psychic energy cost (which means it will only need one "Double Colourless Energy" to attack; which this deck runs)
As you already know, this deck uses Double colourless energy to make attacking very cost effective. This deck also runs the standard psychic energy and "Mystery Energy" (which reduces psychic retreat cost by 2 as well as providing 1 psychic energy).
So that's basically all there is to it. Hit and run with Gengar and frustrate the hell out of your opponent because they can't prevent their Pokemon from being killed off by the poison. This deck is consistent and also reduces your opponent's consistency a bit (by using Trevenant to block search items such as: Ultra Ball and Professor's Letter).
Overall, great deck, if you have any questions, please comment.
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