11 Call of Duty Multiplayer Tips

In call of duty many players make mistakes which lead to unsuccessful games here are just a few tips to improve your game play success.

  • Use your radar, this is important as it tells you everything that goes on without actually being near it, this way you can anticipate enemies from a distance or ones that are approaching you meaning you will always have the upper hand against opponents not looking at their radar.

  • Unless you are a skilled player avoid using high kill streak rewards, stick to useful things such as UAV to give you an advantage until you are skilled enough to earn those high kill streak rewards.

  • Do not run in carelessly but keep moving, so while moving keep an eye out for the enemies.

  • This may seem obvious but don't run into crossfire.

  • If the enemy has dogs find a secure corner so it is easier to take them on.

  • If someone has a helicopter or an air strike go inside.

  • Only use weapons that are easy and comfortable to use, if you can't use a sniper rifle don't use one just because you have seen someone else use it well.

  • Look out for claymores or bouncing bettys, I personally found it hard to do this when concentrating on other aspects of the game but eventually I got the hang of it, although sometimes I still forget to pay attention.

  • Try to avoid vehicles, if someone throws a grenade near them you are as good as dead.

  • Avoid using tomohawks and throwing knifes unless you are skilled at using them.

  • And lastly have fun, if your having fun while playing your chances of winning will increase because you will not be frustrated.

    Hope these tips help, please comment

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