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Yugioh: Dino Rabbit

This is a rebooted version of the old Dino rabbit and has been made to counter today's meta game

Monsters (14)
Rescue Rabbit x1
Sabersaurus x3
Kabazauls x3
Tour guide from the underworld x3
Scarm malebranche of the burning abyss x1
Thunder king rai-oh x1
D.D. Warrior lady x1
Hyper Hammerhead x1

Spells (10)
Pot of duality x3
Mystical space Typhoon x3
Book of moon x1
Gold Sarcophagus x1
Dimensional fissure x1
Snatch Steal x1

Traps (16)
Bottomless trap hole x1
Compulsory evacuation device x1
Solemn warning x1
Mind crush x2
Dimensional prison x2
Fiendish chain x2
Call of the haunted x1
Dust tornado x1
Macro Cosmos x1
Quantum cat x2
Swamp mirrorer x2

Extra Deck (15)
Evolzar Laggia x2
Evolzar Dolkka x2
Leviair the sea dragon x2
Wind-up zenmaines x1
Mequipped angineer x1
Acid golem of destruction x1
Giga brilliant x1
5 rank 3/4 xyz monsters

If you are wondering about the card choices, please comment.

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