In this post I review a Pokemon TCG pack called Battle Arena Xernas vs Yveltal. This Pokemon TCG pack contains 2 decks, damage counters, a play mat and 2 coins (1 yveltal and 1 xerneas)
Here are the deck lists
Xerneas Deck
Xerneas x2 (a bad version of xerneas, not worth using)
Xerneas x2 (xy,a good version of xerneas with energy acceleration in the form of geomancy)
Carbink x2 (one is holo)
Mr mime x2 (xy, the fairy variant)
Spritzee x2 (xy)
Aromatisse x1 (excellent for energy manipulation)
Jiggypuff x3 (body slam)
Wigglytuff x2 (hocus pinkus variant)
Eevee x2 (the good one from furious fists that can evolve when energy is attached)
Sylveon x2 (furious fists)
Furfrou x2 (the bad version)
Energy Retrieval x2
Evosoda x2
Full Heal x2
Hard Charm x2
Lysandre x1
Fairy Garden x2
Pokemon Centre Lady x2
Pokemon Fan Club x1
Professor Sycamore x2
Professor's Letter x1
Tierno x2
Trevor x1
Ultra Ball x2
Fairy Energy x16 (6 holos)
This deck is very good for people who are just starting and for people who want access to fairy types, it gives players another option other than the resilient life theme deck. It is great that the makers of Pokemon TCG have decided to include more trainer cards in these decks, out of these trainers there are quite a few good ones, e.g Sycamore, Ultra ball and Lysnadre, just to name a few. There is a good amount of energies in this deck, I like how they included some holos. Overall there isn't much Pokemon worth using, the main ones worth using would be Xerneas xy and Aromatisse.
Overall the deck isn't too bad and includes some nice options for fairy collectors and new players.
Yveltal Deck
Yveltal x2 (a new yet terrible variant)
Yveltal x2 (the good variant which can accelerate energy)
Drapion x2 (furious fists)
Skorupi x2 (furious fists)
Zorua x3 (xy)
Zoroark x2 (xy, not as good as the dark explorers variant)
Scraggy x3 (furious fists)
Scrafty x2 (furious fists)
Inkay x2 (upside down evolution variant)
Malamar x2 (mental trash variant)
Cassius x2
Energy Retrieval x1
Lysandre x1
Muscle Band x2
Magnetic Storm x2
Pokemon Fan Club x1
Professor Sycamore x2
Professor's Letter x2
Red Card x2
Switch x2
Shauna x2
Trevor x1
Ultra Ball x2
Darkness energy x16 (6 holos)
Once again this deck is quite good for new players and dark collectors, it includes a couple of good Pokemon such as Yveltal xy and Malamar. The trainer selection is good, I like how it includes Sycamore, Shauna, Ultra Ball, Switch, Lysandre and Muscle band. The trainer selection is better than the Xerneas Deck had. This deck has some holo energies just like the Xerneas deck, good for collectors and for people who like shiny cards.
Overall these decks are worth getting despite some bad Pokemon, the main reason I say this is because of the trainer cards you get access to aswell as Xerneas/ Yveltal, you can even combine the decks to create something like this.
Xerneas/Yveltal deck
Xerneas x2(xy)
Carbink x2
Spritzee x1
Aromatisse x1
Jiggypuff x2
Wigglytuff x2
Inkay x2
Malamar x2
Yveltal x1(xy)
Professor Sycamore x4
Shauna x2
Lysandre x2
Pokemon Fan Club x2
Pokemon Centre Lady x1
Tierno x2
Fairy Garden x2
Ultra Ball x4
Evosoda x1
Switch x2
Professor's Letter x2
Muscle Band x2
Red Card x2
Energy Retrieval x1
Fairy energy x9
Darkness energy x5
This deck may not be the most viable but it is decent for just buying this set, the aim is to energy accelerate using Wigglytuff or Xerneas to Power up Carbink who can get a huge attack thanks to it's move Wonder Blast which deals 40 damage +20 damage for each fairy energy attached, it costs 3 colourless energies to use.

This deck also has hand manipulation in the forms of Malamar and Red card, Malamar can use Mental trash to get rid of the opponents hand which may disrupt them. Later on you can also recycle darkness energies using Yveltal, I only included 1 because it is not the most important for this deck to work but it is still useful.
I must emphasize that this deck is by no means competitive but is good enough to take on fun decks and new players decks. It is overall fun to play and I like how it has a decent ability to search for the Pokemon you need.
I would recommend this pack because of how useful it is for dark/fairy players, budget players and new players. It has alot of decent cards but the only thing letting it down is the inclusion of a few bad Pokemon and the New Yveltal/Xerneas cards are nowhere near in the leagues of the older variants. It is because of these reasons I rate it 4/5, it included better decks than most but it is by no means perfect.
Hope you found this information useful, please comment
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