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Pokemon: Aromatisse/Yveltal

Here is a deck that revolves around using Aromatisse to move around energies on to Yveltal-EX so that is has the potential to KO any Pokemon with just one hit.

This deck is meant to be mostly low budget so It could be improved with a higher budget.

Pokemon (14)
3-3 Aromatisse (xy)
2 Yveltal-EX
2 Xerneas (xy)
2 Suicune (pb)
1 Xerneas-EX
1 Dedenne (fuf)

Trainers (34)
4 Fairy Garden
4 Professor Sycamore
4 Shauna or N
2 Colress
2 Pokemon Fan Club
2 Skyla
1 Lysandre
3 Max Potion or if you can't afford it use Super Potion
3 Ultra Ball
2 Switch
2 Muscle Band
1 Energy Retrieval
1 Professor's Letter
1 Sacred Ash
1 Town Map
1 Startling Megaphone

Energy (12)
6 Fairy Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
1 Darkness Energy
1 Double Colourless Energy

This deck can easily be adjusted to combat commonly used decks. It may use Latias-EX or M Kangaskhan- EX to counter Pyroar, It could even use Tropius to counter Seismetoad. The current build is what I use to counter my local metagame. Suicune blocks EX and dedenne destroys Yveltal.

This deck runs 4 Fairy Gardens to win stadium wars and it runs 2 Switches for when Fairy Garden isn't available. Alternatively you could run Keldeo and Float stone which may serve you better.

Many Fairy decks run 4 Pokemon Fan Club but I chose to use 2 combined with 2 Skyla because Skyla can search Ultra Ball and allows me to search any trainer I need.

I ran Town Map so I can get the Prize cards I need, as opposed to just random cards.

This deck runs 1 Darkness energy because it can be used with Professors Letter in case I don't have Rainbow energy to allow a lot more use of Yveltal.

This deck doesn't include an ACE Spec because it is supposed to be mostly low budget and felt including it would sway too much for that idea. If you have one that works in this deck such as Scoop up Cyclone, Dowsing Machine or Computer Search, you should replace one of the non essential trainer cards.

If you have any questions about other card choices, please comment

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